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[TJC and TNP Webinar] How to ensure GDPR compliance in SAP on an operational level?

GDPR Compliance


19 NOVEMBER, 2020


11:00 - 12:00



Event Format


How in SAP, on an operational level, can we ensure GDPR compliance?

The GDPR raises questions about data management in SAP environments.

  • What legal, functional and technical measures should be implemented to ensure the GDPR compliance of my SAP system?
  • What solutions to meet these requirements? SAP ILM, anonymization, development or data archiving?
  • What are the prerequisites, the advantages but also the limits?

TNP and TJC invite you to their webinar

How to ensure GDPR compliance in SAP on an operational level?

TNP and TJC experts will share their experiences, know-how and answer your questions.

If you cannot attend the session, please contact us and we will send you the recording and slides of the presentation.

UKISUG Connect: SAP UK & Ireland User Group Meeting

Data Archiving, Decommissioning, S/4HANA, SAP ILM


28-30 NOVEMBER 2021


11:00 - 17:00



Event Format


Hosted by the UK & Ireland SAP User Group, UKISUG Connect is the largest annual gathering of SAP professionals, experts, partners, and users in the UK & Ireland. It is an outstanding opportunity for SAP users, consultants, and developers to update their knowledge and gain expert insights from those at the cutting edge of SAP solution development.

Join TJC Group on Stand S13 for the first live and in-person SAP event in two years. Get SAP Connected, share experiences, and best practices, and most importantly, gain deep new knowledge to ensure a successful migration to SAP S/4HANA.

When it comes to S/4HANA, why does your data matter?

  • Is your data consistent for S/4HANA migration?
  • Do you know how to manage the retirement of legacy systems after migrating to S/4HANA?
  • What is the best way to manage historical data and decommission SAP and non-SAP systems
  • Are you applying intelligent Information Lifecycle Management to be compliant with GDPR?

How is your S/4HANA migration progressing?

Many companies have either already migrated to SAP S/4HANA, or their move to SAP’s cloud platform is planned and well underway. However, many are yet to commit to migration timescales – perhaps due to concerns about the cost and how to manage the sheer volume of data accumulated
over the years across different systems. They need answers to critical questions like these. If this sounds like you, TJC Group’s experts on Stand S13 can help shape your migration plans and allay any concerns.

To discuss any of the above topics in more detail, visit TJC Group at UKISUG Connect, Stand S13.

Gain insights from SAP Data Management experts at this exclusive user event. Connect, share best practices and build your knowledge in a specialised field.

UKISUG Connect
UKISUG Connect 2019.

If you cannot attend the session, please contact us and we will send you the recording and slides of the presentation.


Steve Peirce

Steve Peirce,Head of Sales UK & Ireland
TJC Group

How to decommission Legacy SAP or non-SAP systems? (Webinar)

Data Archiving, Decommissioning, S/4HANA, SAP ILM

How to decommission Legacy SAP or non-SAP systems? (Webinar)

23 NOVEMBER, 2021


11:00 - 12:15



Event Format


As SAP users everywhere begin planning for migrations from ECC to S/4 Hana, the environmental impact of data centres and the huge volume of carbon dioxide they generate has come under the spotlight. Data centres are predicted to use 20% of the world's electricity by 2025 - more than any
other sector - and yet only 7- 15% of the data typically found in an organisation’s IT systems is actually being used. 40% of the memory being used is completely wasted on storing and maintaining redundant data. The problem is only getting bigger because most companies see their data grow by 32.5% each year without any data volume management in place – even more in some industries.

oXya and TJC Group invite you to a webinar during which they will answer all your questions on this strategic issue for companies.

  • Why define a legacy management strategy now?
  • What are the keys to a system shutdown? What are the best practices?
  • How to grasp this subject and promote itinternally
  • How to address these issues concretely?
  • Live demonstration of TJC's ELSA solution for restoring stopped systems.

ELSA is a Cloud Legacy Systems Shutdown application for SAP systems and non-SAP users. ELSA will have easy access to all the information, data, reports, tables, transactions of ERP systems and other applications definitively stopped in compliance with legal and fiscal constraints

  • Reduce your costs and optimize your IT investments.
  • Be in regulatory compliance and respect data confidentiality.
  • A SAP BTP certified solution

If you cannot attend the session, please contact us and we will send you the recording and slides of the presentation.


Thierry JULIEN

Thierry JULIEN,President/ CEO
TJC Group

VNSG Focus Online 2021

Data Archiving, S/4HANA, SAP ILM

VNSG Focus Online 2021

08-12 NOVEMBER 2021


11:00 - 18:00



Event Format


TJC Group will be making its debut appearance in the Dutch SAP User Group, Vereniging Nederlandstalige SAP Gebruikers (VNSG) which is taking place online this year. We are delighted to have the opportunity to present two sessions, to help share best practices in SAP data volume
management through archiving.

What’s in store for VNSG delegates?

Session 1: Sustainability and the Green Benefits of Data Archiving.

When: 9th November, 11.00 – 11.45am CET

Consumers are increasingly interested in how a business approaches the issue of sustainability and show a willingness to support sustainable businesses.

Data centres are predicted to use 20% of the world's electricity by 2025. Rising energy costs are often a hidden component of running and maintaining ERP systems, and there is now more focus than ever on improving green credentials and reducing the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a data environment by adopting sustainability measures.

Who should attend this event?

Sustainability Managers, Head of Sustainability, Director of Sustainability, Environmental & Sustainability Managers, Environmental Managers, SAP Managers, CFO, IT Manager, IT Director, Director of Global IT Finance Projects, S/4HANA Project Manager, ERP Manager.

Session 1: More details

More data is being generated than ever before and it is clear that the environmental consequences of an accelerating, worldwide, data-driven economy are becoming more of a focus for businesses.

In fact, rising energy costs are often a hidden component when running and maintaining ERP systems and should be considered when planning the migration to S/4HANA, as well as for legacy systems.

Did you know that data centres are predicted to use 20% of the world's electricity by 2025? This is more than any other business sector. It has never been a better time to consider the benefits of Data Archiving and Decommissioning legacy systems as a way to contribute to your sustainability targets.

Learn how SAP Data Volume Management can help data-driven operations become greener by becoming part of an overall efficiency protocol to reduce energy and resource needs.

Discover how Carlsberg has realised energy savings in equipment and management of their systems, and reduced their overall TCO, by adopting a robust Data Volume Management strategy across their international SAP landscape.

Key Session 1 takeaways:

  • Find out How Data Archiving drives green solutions for enterprises.
  • Best practices on Data Archiving to achieve energy savings.
  • How to shape an intelligent Data Volume Management strategy to drive a greener S/4HANA migration.
  • The benefits of decommissioning legacy systems and achieving your sustainability goals.

Session 2: Data Archiving in Readiness for SAP S/4HANA Migration.

You can now watch the recording of this webinar by following this link:

When: 10th November, 10.00 – 10.45am CET

Learn how Data Archiving can reduce migration times and provide significant savings on database storage costs when migrating to S/4HANA with a minimized data footprint.

Discover how British Telecom has implemented Data Archiving to maintain SAP system performance as their business data increases over time while lowering the total cost of ownership (TCO) of their SAP system.

Who should attend this event?

SAP Managers, CFO, IT Manager, IT Director, Director of Global IT Finance Projects, S/4HANA Project Manager, ERP Manager, Data Governance Team, Data Steward, Application Data Architect, Data Quality Analyst, Chief Data Officer.

Session 2: More details

Why should you archive data before migrating to S/4HANA? What are the tangible benefits of an ILM strategy for your business?

The SAP landscape is changing. S/4HANA and HANA memory will bring unrivalled business benefits for companies, yet it is important to start planning the migration at an early stage to keep data compliant while reducing the TCO of your SAP HANA landscape.

By archiving old data that is no longer in daily use, and by introducing ILM as part of your archiving strategy, you can significantly reduce the data volume required for the move to SAP S/4HANA.

  • Reduce the scope, complexity, and total cost of your SAP S/4HANA migration project.
  • Save on hardware and SAP HANA licensing costs.
  • Automate your ILM processes to remain compliant and control data growth.

Ensure your new S/4HANA system performs at its best and reduces your memory costs, helping you to deliver business benefits from day one. Learn how British Telecom has managed a move to the HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) in readiness for migration to S/4HANA.

Key Session 2 takeaways

This seminar has already proven extremely popular with audiences at UKISUG, SBN, and SAPSA. It offers an excellent introduction to and overview of SAP Data Volume Management, focussing on all aspects of data archiving, both in readiness for the move to S/4HANA and for companies who have already migrated to S4 and need to implement a data archiving strategy.

  • Benefits of archiving before the move to S/4HANA
  • SAP ILM – an essential part of any archiving strategy.
  • Residence & Retention – best advice for multi-national companies.

Session 2: Data Archiving in Readiness for SAP S/4HANA Migration.

If you cannot attend the session, please contact us and we will send you the recording and slides of the presentation.

SAP Ireland Special Interest Group Meeting (SIG)

Data Archiving, Decommissioning, S/4HANA, SAP ILM

SAP Ireland Special Interest Group Meeting (SIG)

1 JANUARY, 1970



Event Format


About this event:

The Ireland SIG provides a forum for SAP customers to learn, network, collaborate and influence SAP by creating a platform to discuss common challenges relating to all aspects of SAP, through formal presentations and informal networking. The SIG receives regular updates from SAP and partners on future products, services and solution roadmaps.

TJC Group session

Session title: Data Archiving in Readiness for SAP S/4HANA Migration

Who should attend this event?

SAP Managers, CFO, IT Manager, IT Director, Director of Global IT Finance Projects, S/4HANA Project Manager, ERP Manager, Data Governance Team, Data Steward, Application Data Architect, Data Quality Analyst, Chief Data Officer.

Global corporations that operate in high transaction volume industries generate huge amounts of data; that impacts their ERP systems performance, increasing the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Additionally, IT teams are under pressure to support corporate functions with minimal resources.

Why should you archive data before migrating to S/4HANA? What are the tangible benefits of an ILM strategy for your business?

The SAP landscape is changing. S/4HANA and HANA memory will bring unrivalled business benefits for companies, yet it is important to start planning the migration at an early stage to keep data compliant while reducing the TCO of your SAP HANA landscape.

By archiving old data that is no longer in daily use, and by introducing ILM as part of your archiving strategy, you can significantly reduce your data volume prior to the move to SAP S/4HANA

What will you learn in this highly informative,“how-to” session?

  • Reduce the scope, complexity and total cost of your SAP S/4HANA migration project
  • Save on hardware and SAP HANA licensing costs
  • Automate your ILM processes to remain compliant and control data growth

Ensure your new S/4HANA system performs at its best and reduces your memory costs, helping you to deliver business benefits from day one. Learn how British Telecom have managed a move to the HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) in readiness for migration to S/4HANA

Key takeaways

Find out why leading corporations have implemented Data Archiving to maintain SAP system performance as their business data increases over time while lowering the TCO of their SAP system.

  • Learn how Data Archiving can provide significant savings on database storage costs when migrating to SAP® S/4HANA with minimised data footprint
  • Reduce migration times to move to S/4HANA
  • Understand how to manage ILM objects – from retention periods to destruction
  • Learn the difference between residence and retention
  • Keep databases under control by archiving data that is rarely referenced
  • Obtain best practice advice for multi-national companies

If you cannot attend the session, please contact us and we will send you the recording and slides of the presentation.