Team Spotlight | Ravindra Pawar – Senior Software Engineer II, SAP Consultant

20-02-2024 | 4 min read | TJC Group Corporate

Belonging to the beautiful, green state of Maharashtra, India – Ravindra joined TJC Group five years ago, taking a leap of faith in his leadership, knowledge, and expertise. Whenever he visits the Pune office, it is a blast working and communicating with him. Ravindra fancies himself more as a listener than a talker, but even if he talks less – his work and achievements do all the talking for him.

We know, we know – his praises are getting you intrigued into knowing more about him. Let’s not make you wait and jump into the excerpt of our short chat!

A remarkable journey

Answer: I will start with my educational journey – I did my Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology from Shivaji University, Maharashtra. Post my graduation, I started working with T-Systems ICT India Pvt Ltd as an Engineering Trainee, then gradually moved up the ladder working with industry leaders like Cognizant, Accenture, and now TJC Group. Overall, I have 16+ years of experience with sound technical knowledge in ABAP, UI5, SAP BTP, Application security, and so on.

Answer: Here at TJC Group, I work as a Senior Software Engineer II, where I am primarily responsible for application development. Additionally, I also look after application deployment and security, environment setup, CI/CD pipeline monitoring, application VAPT, and database migration. It is an interesting role, where I can explore many areas and expand my horizons.

Answer: Oh, all the projects I have undertaken have been amazing, especially the ones around SAP ERP. But if I had to pick one, I would, without a miss, pick – ELSA i.e., our very own Enterprise Legacy System Application. The reason is that there is an endless learning curve and fun working with the Cloud and the emerging trends are never-ending. Plus, I have been involved with ELSA from the very beginning – so, it is special to me!

Answer: As said, my role helps explore different areas and keep in touch with the latest trends and technologies. Every day I learn something new when working on ELSA – and the knowledge doesn’t come only from the research, but also from my peers – juniors, seniors, everyone!

Taking on challenges with a smile

Answer: Haha; challenges are a part and parcel of our work life. While I don’t face any major challenges as such, at times, there are a lot of tasks on my plate. So, switching between them can get a little bit tedious. Additionally, there might be tasks, which require certain expertise that I might not be well-versed with.

Answer: To be honest, a few years down the line, I would love to see myself as a go-to expert for ELSA in TJC Group.

Answer: TJC Group is my second family – I am sure you have heard it from everyone working here and it is 100% true. One of the best organisations I have worked for with ample opportunities and an outstanding work culture. I have spent 5 years here and I am looking forward to the coming ones!

Answer: My life outside of TJC Group is very simple. After work, I love to spend some time with my family, play with my kids, and relax. During weekends, we usually visit nearby places and explore their unexplored beauties.

Spending time with family is a must

Answer: Oh, in my free time, I engage myself in some kind of physical activities like early morning walks, Yoga, swimming, etc., to keep myself fit and healthy.

Answer: The journey has been remarkable so far; surely, will be even more amazing in the coming years. Ups and downs are part of our lives, and we must learn to take the positives out of it and move ahead. That said, at TJC Group, we are doing extraordinary work in archiving and decommissioning. So, stay tuned with us!

What do we say? Our team members are simply amazing! Talking to Ravindra about his experience has taught us that perseverance is the key! If you want to learn more about ABAP, UI5, SAP BTP, etc., from him – connect with him on LinkedIn!

However, for your data archiving, decommissioning, and e-invoicing needs, connect with us today!