SAP GDPR Compliance Solution License-Free – TJC Group

01-02-2018 | 2 min read | GDPR Compliance, SAP Data Management

Good news for SAP customers, thanks to DSAG, the German-speaking SAP User Group.

During the DSAG Kongress in September 2017, one of the hot topics was on the unavailability of license-free SAP solution available to implement GDPR projects and meet the deadline in May 2018. Significant initial investment and effort were being required from SAP systems to be able to comply with the GDPR requirements. Since data archiving facilitates GDPR, our CEO (Thierry Julien) has asked me to keep an eye and ear out for any update relating to this weighty concern for all SAP users.

SAP has listened and responded positively to this request. Your SAP Netweaver Runtime license will be extended to include retention management functions of ILM. This will make it possible for you to implement GDPR projects together with the other standard SAP functions.  

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SAP has now confirmed the following (taken from the DSAG press release article):

  • SAP Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) is there for freezing and deleting data.
  • SAP has enhanced SAP Netweaver Runtime license with retention management functions from ILM, making this specific function license-free for SAP customers.
  • Compensation is planned for SAP clients who have already bought ILM to use for their GDPR project.  

The complete press release from DSAG can be found here.

Feel free to contact us for advise on the best strategy for archiving and deletion of data that is specific to your company’s GDPR responsibilities.

We would be happy to help.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/ Best regards,
Frederic Hottner
Head of Sales for Germany,
DSAG member, Data Archiving and ILM Special Focus Group