Tuesday, 23rd November 2021.
Time: 11 am – 12:15 pm (CET)
Such is the climate emergency that it is just a matter of time before governments make it mandatory for every business to develop a roadmap for net-zero. This was one of the outcomes agreed during COP 26. When this legislation is approved, data centres will become a key target for reducing carbon emissions and not before time, because they can be such voracious polluters.
Data centres are predicted to consume 20% of the world’s electricity by 2025 – more than any other sector – and yet only 7- 15% of the data typically found in an organisation’s IT systems is being used regularly. Much of it is redundant and 40% of the memory being used to power the data centre is completely wasted – on storing and maintaining this redundant data. As digital transformation and Industry 4.0 developments continue, the problem is only getting bigger, because most companies see their data grow by 32.5% each year without any data volume management in place – even more so in some industries.

In 2010, IDC estimated that 1.2 zettabytes (1.2 trillion gigabytes) of new data were created that year – over 40% more than a year earlier. At the time, they predicted levels of new data creation would reach 35 zettabytes (35 trillion gigabytes) in 2020. It must have seemed a huge number at the time, but the forecast was way off and reached that level, two years early. IDC has now revised their 2020 data creation prediction to 175 zettabytes (175 trillion gigabytes). That’s a 99% increase. It is happening now.
For SAP users, the timing of this focus on controlling the growth of data is perfect, as so many are beginning to plan for migrations from ECC to S/4 Hana. This transition to the cloud is a chance to take stock and review what data is obsolete and should be decommissioned, and what is needed. Think of it as wiping the slate clean and with the right solutions in place, like ELSA from TJC Group, it’s possible to decommission systems and still maintain easy access to legacy data for audit compliance.To learn how to introduce legacy system data decommissioning and data volume management in your organisation, attend TJC Group’s special webinar, being run in partnership with oXya. Speakers at this webinar will share expert tips, best practice methodologies and answer all your questions. You will also have an opportunity to see a live demonstration of ELSA, TJC’s SAP-certified solution for automating legacy system decommissioning.
Speaker: Thierry JULIEN
President / CEO of TJC Group.
Connect with Thierry through LinkedIn.